apakah diabetes bisa sembuh?

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Q. begitu banyak obat diabetes yang beredar mengaku bisa menyebukan diabetes.apakah memang benar diabetes bisa disembuhkan???????

A. Jangan tergantung sama obat. kl diabetes mah, bisa sembuh klo yg bersangkutan (pasien) bisa memanage pola hidupnya dg mengonsumsi makanan sehat n berolahraga yg teratur. gitu cuy... inget, pesan Mbah Sirup! HIDUP MBAH SIRUP!!!

obat diabetes kucing?
Q. kucing ku sakit diabetes nich... udh ku bw ka klinik.,,, tp sampe skrng blum sembuh...,,, minta solusinya dan ap obat nx...,,,


A. Di klinik kucing, dokter kucing tidak kasi obat, hanya bilang kena diabetes doang.
Nah kalau gitu kasi minum air parutan labu siam 3 x sehari sekali minum semampu-nya kucing.
Mudah mudahan resep nya cocok sama kucing n.ya.

Diabetes sebaiknya ke dokter apa?
Q. Kalo berobat untuk diabetes biasanya ke dokter mana?
Kalo di surabaya dokter/rumah sakit mana yg bagus untuk konsultasi diabetes.
Terima kasih

A. Penderita diabetes sebaiknya berobat ke Dokter Ahli Penyakit Dalam sub divisi Endokrin.
Sebaiknya anda berobat dengan benar,karena banyak komplikasi yang diakibatkan kurang perhatiannya penderita terhadap penyakit ini.
Dengan berobat yang benar,kita akan mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai penyakit ini,obat2 yg harus diminum,diet dan pemeriksaan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan komplikasi yang akan terjadi.
Misalnya pemeriksaan jantung,mata,hati dll.
Untuk dokter, tergantung bagaimana hubungan anda dgn dokter tersebut.ada dokter pintar tapi kurang dalam hal berkomunikasi atau sebaliknya.
itu yang dibilang "cocok cocokkan".oke..thanks.

kenapa diabetes susah disembuhin..?
Q. apa sih bahayanya diabetes????
truss kenapa diabetes susah disembuin???

*sebenarnya udah tau*


tapi tetep di jawab ya...

A. kalo lo udah tau ini nih gw tambahin sedikit:There are two main forms of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. They are completely different diseases but have the same effect.

In type 1, your immune system attacks your pancreas so it no longer makes enough insulin. So you have to inject insulin. (They're working on insulin nasal spray so you don't have to inject it!) In type 2, the tissues in your muscles are 'insulin resistant', so you have plenty of insulin but it doesn't work. Type 1 used to be called 'juvenile diabetes' because it started mostly in childhood, and type 2 used to be called 'adult onset diabetes' because it starts mostly in older people. But either kind can start at any time.

What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone that regulates how your muscles use the sugar in your blood to produce energy. If you are diabetic, you're not using that sugar and it builds up in the blood. Over a period of time, high blood sugar causes damage in your body. It can cause blindness, kidney failure, and damage to your nerves called 'neuropathy'. It damages your circulation so you can get gangrene and lose toes, feet, even legs. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, and amputation in the US. It also can cause atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and lead to heart disease.

The key to treating diabetes is diet and exercise. You have to be careful about the carbohydrates you eat, because this is what causes blood sugar to rise. And you have to get some exercise, because this burns off blood sugar, and it also builds muscle, and more muscle tissue burns more blood sugar. You measure your blood sugar several times a day to keep it in control. And there are some good drugs these days that help keep blood sugar in control.

If you keep your blood sugar in control, you have a much lower chance of getting 'complications' like blindness, kidney failure, etc. You have to take care of -yourself-, a doctor can only help. You have to change habits and lifestyle, and that can be hard, but it's worth it.

Kehamilan dan Diabetes.........................?
Q. Bayi yang lahir dari seorang penderita diabetes
SANGAT BERISIKO lahir dengan tubuh yang besar sehingga menyulitkan ibu
dalam melahirkannya.

70% wanita hamil, TIDAK SADAR bahwa dirinya memiliki kadar gula yang
tinggi dan berisiko diabetes.
apa itu diabetes??

Baca Cikal Bakal Penyebab Diabetes di : http://esa-badria.diet-sehat.com/node/27
atau hub 081218822119
ps: jangan reply disini

A. Diabetes merupakan suatu penyakit dimana kadar gula darah tinggi melebihi batas nomal.

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